Thursday, April 26, 2007

Machine Reading, Paraphrases

A rule system may allow semantic subtrees to be mapped to one another. For example, the paraphrase:

Tommy put the book on the shelf to be helpful.

The following rule Is(X,helpful) → Help(X,_) might resemble that if something is helpful then that something help(s/ed) some thing or things. Formulating rules in this manner might transcend, in part, hermeneutic circles that occur when relating lexical elements to one another.

Hermeneutic circle refers to the semantic interconnectedness of a set of entities— for example, the definitions in a dictionary refer to other words in that dictionary. Philosophers from Schleiermacher and Dilthey through Heidegger and Gadamer considered this phenomenon. Wittgenstein said regarding this that light dawns gradually over the whole.

A rule system lexicon might further assist the semantic equivalence of paraphrases allowing semantic substructures to map to one another based on the lexical hermeneutic circle.

Like most things in AI, machine reading is more easily described than programmed. Any system that can equate noun-order paraphrases to the same set of predicates (or permutable equivalents) would be a milestone in my opinion.

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